Monthly Newsletter from the Arizona Asthma Coalition

Don't Miss These Featured Sessions at the

Annual Asthma & Allergy Conference on Sept. 30!

The Arizona Asthma & Allergy Conference provides education and networking for clinicians and anyone who cares for patients living with asthma and allergies. Arizona Asthma Coalition is thrilled to bring this conference to you at a significantly reduced rate this year! We are also now offering a $10 Trainee rate with ID.

  • AAC Members $45
  • Non-Members $55
  • Non-Members with added AAC membership $95
  • Students/Trainees W ID $10
Featured Sessions
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Sponsorship Opportunities

Tackling Severe Asthma, One Step — and Breath — at a Time


Living with severe asthma means living with the fear that a serious — even life-threatening — attack could strike at anytime, anywhere. It is trying to avoid a situation where, “I’ll have an attack someday and I’ll be in a place where nobody will know what to do about me,” explained Lynn, a Canadian who has lived with the illness for 28 years.

Asthma carries an immense personal toll, and, with around 16 million people living with a severe form of the disease globally, it also carries a significant impact for healthcare systems and society.

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Blocking Immune System ‘Messenger’ May Treat Severe Asthma

La Jolla Institute for Immunology

Asthma is more dangerous than many people realize. An estimated 10 Americans die everyday from asthma, and the disease leads to around 439,000 hospitalizations and 1.3 million emergency room trips each year.

“Asthma is one of the most important allergic diseases to study,” says Professor Toshiaki Kawakami, M.D., Ph.D., a member of the Center for Autoimmunity and Inflammation at La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI).

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Asthma Morbidity, Mortality Linked to Extreme Weather Events, Study Finds

American Journal of Managed Care

The effects of extreme weather events have been linked to increased asthma morbidity and mortality, especially among women and children. This adds context to the severity of climate change as a critical concern for managing and controlling asthma.

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Merck Accused of Downplaying Early Evidence of Drug's Brain Impact


An early magazine advertisement for Merck's breakthrough asthma and allergy medicine, Singulair, featured a happy child, hanging upside-down from a tree. Asthmatic kids could now breathe easier, the text assured, and the side effects were "usually mild".

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Tackling Housing Injustice—and Improving Childhood Asthma

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

The segregation and structural racism rooted in redlining and other discriminatory housing practices persist in many places today. Efforts to counter the legacy of this injustice include voucher programs that help people move out of high-poverty areas into “opportunity neighborhoods.” Craig Pollack, MD, MHS, MSc, a professor in Health Policy and Management, has conducted research into health outcomes associated with these relocation programs.

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Arizona Asthma Coalition is now on Facebook! Head over to Facebook and like AAC to keep up to date on asthma, allergy and organizational updates in between our monthly newsletters. 

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Join the Arizona Asthma Coalition

As a nonprofit partnership since 1996, AAC has worked together with concerned stakeholders including public health, environmental quality, managed care, education, individual physicians and nurses, hospitals, foundations, families and other colleagues. Become a member of the Arizona Asthma Coalition or renew your membership and help us continue this important work.

Join or renew here

Arizona Asthma Coalition | 480-447-6978

15215 S. 48th ST. #154

Phoenix AZ, 85044
